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Omni-Agricultural Resource System

OASYS is an omni-agricultural resource system that works in tandem with agroforestry techniques. This system is designed to redirect resources including sunlight, carbon dioxide, and rainwater for various functions to the crops and farmers advantage. OASYS was designed using the Biomimetic Design Process, mimicking a species in nature- the Begonia pavonina. To learn more about Biomimicry and how OASYS was designed to mimic the Begonia pavonina, continue reading below!


OASYS, in essence, is an artificial tree that provides the benefits of agroforestry to mid-sized farms without them having to wait for all their trees to grow.

This design concept was constructed during a 10-week course-Biomimicry Methodology- alongside the collaboration of five team members coming from various areas of specialization.



Our Team Members

Samiha Khan

M.A Design for Sustainability

Celine Diz

B.F.A Industrial Design

Erin Hull

B.F.A Fibers

Adero Brooks

B.F.A Architecture

Em Cote

M.F.A Design Management

What is Biomimicry?

'Biomimicry is learning from and then emulating natural forms, processes, and ecosystems, to create more sustainable designs.' [1]


Nature has already solved problems that we are still trying to manage, including climate control, efficient transportation, energy production and much more. Learning from and emulating our findings to create more sustainable designs allows us to 'work as a system and create conditions conductive to life.'

[1] Baumeister, Dayna, and Rose Tocke. Biomimicry Resource Handbook: A Seed Bank of Best Practices. Biomimicry 3.8, 2014.
Begonia pavonina

The Begonia pavonina -- also known as the "peacock begonia" -- is one of over 1,500 species of Begonia but has a single unique characteristic: its blue iridescence. The Begonia has 3 main functions: to capture, absorb and filter energy; protect from UV damage; and regulate cellular processes.

Design Principle

structural interference can redirect resources for various functions.

OASYS is designed to mimic the functions of the Begonia pavonina, redirecting various resources to multiple locations in its system.

How it Works

Our system houses a set of flexible solar panels that gather solar energy and power a miniaturized partial carbon sequestering system, pulling carbon down from the atmosphere, sending it through a filter, and releasing clean air. This captured carbon is then processed off-site into a carbon cartridge, allowing it to be injected back into the soil with our integrated irrigation system. This process enables surrounding plants to benefit from nutrient rich soil and increase their yield a massive amount.

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​OASYS is made of strong, reclaimed steel to improve its recyclability and prevent damage regardless of environment. The modular system can adapt to the needs of its crops and surroundings: in higher wind conditions, it can fold into itself to prevent damage, whereas in hot conditions, it can fold down to protect the crops from harmful UV rays.

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